NOTE: Use historical maps to determine County names.  Depending on the year from 1854-1925, Nebraska counties were being formed, which means county lines and names were being changed. Researchers can use: to see the formation years of the Nebraska counties and map abbreviations. It also has a modern map overlayed on the census years from 1860 through 1910-1930.

Ancestor Map

Persons Claiming Czech Ancestry, 2000 (percentage)
Persons Claiming Czech Ancestry, 2000 (absolute numbers)

Foreign Born Czech population in Nebraska

Foreign Born Czechs in the Great Plains
1880 Foreign Born Czechs
1900 Foreign Born Czechs
1920 Foreign Born Czechs
1940 Foreign Born Czechs
1870 Foreign Born Czechs
1890 Foreign Born Czechs
1910 Foreign Born Czechs
1930 Foreign Born Czechs
1950 Foreign Born Czechs

Nebraska boundaries and counties

Nebraska county boundaries and county seats in 1998